How to Easily Manage Social Networking

You've managed to set up your social networking profiles to increase business connections, be up to date with the latest news, technology, and most importantly to spread the word about your business. But have you thought about setting up a system to manage the time you dedicate to social networking?

Sporadically throughout the day, I would post comments, links, and make conversations with my Twitter followers. I would make a complete focus on my Twitter account, that my other social networking profiles were not being updated as frequently as Twitter. I didn't realize how much time was being dedicating to social networking, because I didn't have a system to keep me on track. I needed a routine system that allowed me to maintain relationships, follow up on my prospects and network, network, network!

That's when I came across Chris Brogan's site, loved his example, took his pointers and made my own schedule.

"The challenge is to successfully manage the time spent on social networking sites and remain productive throughout the day."

  • Connect five times with one person - once a week
  • Add at least ten new people daily
  • Post 4 links daily
  • Reply messages (close to 100 characters) not just "thanks"
  • RT at least six people daily

  • Post two new status updates daily
  • Comment on three profiles daily
  • Share one interesting link daily

  • Accept Invitations as they come
  • Add New Contacts
  • Enter Business Cards and Invite them to join
  • Volunteer two answers at the Q & A daily
  • Make at least one daily update

  • I have a print out of my "system" and I maintain it close by to make sure i'm giving the correct amount of time for each networking site. Not too much, not too little. What is your system to help you control time on social networking sites? I'd love to hear them.

    There are plenty of great social networking sites, so it's time to be fair with all the other online profiles and spread a little love to them too. LinkedIn,Twitter,Facebook,ActiveRain,Meetup you can find more here